tiistai 18. elokuuta 2020

Pyöreiden vuosien juhlistamisesta

Minua on mietityttänyt kovin vuoden päästä oleva 50-vuotispäiväni. E ole aikonut juhlia sitä ollenkaan, mutta jotakin juhlistamista se kai kaipaisi, niin keksin tällaisen, joka mielestäni vaikuttaa ihan onnistuneelta idealta:

"tiistai 18. elokuuta 2020

Some present like things

After a year I will be 50 years old. It seems to ask for some kind of collection of treasures that I have found or achieved, kind of presents for others. Maybe also some personal history, but there is nothing special to tell, so I guess that such is unimportant for me, and anyway I have already written a lot.

Present like achievements of mine:

"Many words for snow": winter melodies   https://composingmelodies.blogspot.com/2019/12/winter.html
I mean to collect these to some more stylish blog post in the winter time.

For birds: how young birds can fly to the branch already in their first attempt    https://talesfromforest.blogspot.com/2017/08/how-young-birds-learn-to-fly.html

Not so much my own idea, but with a bunch of links to my other texts, is my long Christmas gnome skills text http://learntalents.blogspot.com   ( the first part is at http://learntalents.blogspot.com/2018/09/gnomes-or-more-likelily-doing-things-in.html )

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