lauantai 22. tammikuuta 2022

Writer's life after the writing work

  "  When a writer has written one's text, the reader gets the full message by reading. But if they want some mental connection with the writer via some spiritual ways it often does not work out, since they were lazy at reading and now they want the author to read his/her own text but the author is bored and so reading one's own text produces just some vague impression that yes there was that text but what about it. If someone wants to exchange young readers' views to author's view, that happens by reading. If one tries it via spiritual ways, it is better with person who has not written anything of the subject, or if one wants the view of ghe author, it is just a vague impression that there was some text on the page but for me there was nothing new in it. And if the author has forgotten what he/she onesrlf wrote, it still is too elementary and when compared to lne's own thoughts, gives rise to nothing new, unlike the texts of others. "

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