perjantai 20. joulukuuta 2019

Sävelmänpätkiä talviulkoilusta

Minulla oli marraskuun loppupuolella kamalasti epäonnea, joka sitten meni ohitse, kun hoksasin, että Ritva-nimisten tyyppiset ihmiset, jotka sanovat talven olevan lempivuodenaikansa, että esim. pitävät pikkupakkasista, niin jokseenkin niin kirskuen ja paleltumiapeläten elävät nekin talven säät kluin mikä olo minulle noista epäonnen kolhaisuista ja sairastamisesta tuli. Niin että päätin yrittää säveltää talven säissä ulkoilua opettavia sävelmänpätkiävuodenaikakirjoitukseeni avuksi. Ja niin ei ole epäonnea enää ollut. Mutta hankalaa se on, kun palleroinen pysyy lämpimänä muttei koe säätä vahvan kiehtovana ja tervehenksiyyttä tuovana. Mutta ehkä tässä talven kuluessa ehdin oppia, miten nuo yhdistää. Kun ei voi vaarallisia sävelmiä tehdä, ainakaan tarkoituksella, kun lukijoita voi olla monta. Mutta tähänastiset säät vasta pikkupakkasia ja alussa joitakin plussan puolellakin.

22. joulukuuta 2019   Vuodenaikakirjoituksestani : (muttei tässä ole vasta kuin pikkupakkasista ja lämpimämmistä säistä)
 It is my habit to warm my face and my head & neck with my bare hands if the head has somewhere gotten cold, but otherwise I usually saty well war,. but I am usually outdoors only 15 min or a half of an hour. But I like the winter, so I try during this winter 2019-2020 compose something about being outdoors in the winter time. Here is my first attempt:

10.12.2019   One easy way to stay warm in the winter is to be well eaten and to kind of curl to warmth, to not to wander far from the shelter of one's clothes. And if one has gotten cool, to warm the insides of one's limbs and body like a hair dryer blowing heat from the central parts of the limbs and torso, along the limbs and torso, all the way to the surface of the skin but not out of the body. And the keep the air inside the clothes and a centimeter or two from the face etc quite warm. But so one does not experience the wetaher strongly and not as refreshing.
When one meets the weather as an ages old challenge, one can via being an individual stay warm. But if one is not so clearly an individual löike in good objectivity or tv documents of birds by the ice sea, then the social ways often lead to lack of blood near the surface of the body and so one's skin is too cold. The same happens if one keeps company to people who are indoors when one oneself is out in the cold. One should instead enjoy the winter weather, drown in the winter weather, it's beauty, and so be an individual in practice and stay warm. The ages old challenge pf the wetahers and nature is refreshing and good for the spirit, bring a content happy mind.

Snow and a few degrees under zero, on a walk when still dark, snow also on the branches of trees, but I warmed my cheeks with my hands.

A wind makes the skin quickly cold. When you walk against the wind,lift quite often your gloves to shelter the face for a moment, so as to regain warmth to the face. If the wind is at your side, keep most of the time your hand at that side to shelter the head from the wind.

Rising to meet the challenges winter weather sets, brings a healthy spirit and a feeling of well-being.

Ordinary rain of snow, quite warm weather, big flakes

Raining snow, streetlights here and there

Especially children like easily formable snow at 0C, since one can make snow balls from it, but it makes clothes wet. When it is just 0C there is no fear of frost bites, but soon the weather can change to colder, which one notices from the surface of the snow becoming hard and the sense of moisture in the air turning to an icy bite and then there is again the danger of freezing injuries.

Most Christams songs teach skills for being outdoors in the winter time. For satying warm when it is very much under 0C, Silent night, holy night is maybe the best.

Yesterday I sent this text to the Eskimos, and again the effect is somewhat kkrraahh like.

In this text about the seasons, the melodies about rain of snow mixed with water and about being outdoors in the winter time, I have composed outdoors in order to make staying warm easier to learn.

15.2.2020   Sävellysaiheisesta blogistani:

Spring side of winter

It was only a little under 0C and cloudy but a feel of light. Here where I live birds sang and it was very beautiful view to the weather. But this I composedin the town center. It was a good weather for wandering outdoors. there is still for two weeks the danger of the coldest weathers of the year. Then it is early spring for sure.


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