Tulta leiskuu harmaahapset!
keskiviikko 29. tammikuuta 2025
perjantai 3. tammikuuta 2025
Palaute / info jonkin annista / info yllättävästä isosta reaktiosta
Kun olen kirjouttanut paljon nettiin, niin minusta näyttää siltä, että elämäni mennyt siitä vähiin kuin vainajan kuoleman jälkeen muistamaan vähän jääneiden käsitys kirjoutusteni annista jjyri heille itselleen. Eli sen sijaan että elelisin omaa elämääni, niin olen pijemminkin kuin monustenipou lojumassa jossakin ja yksittäisiä huomiouta että se ja se kurjoitus oli tärkeö olla kurjouttanut, koska aihe lli ihan kiinnostava muille, vaikka he muisravatkin siitä lähinnä vain jonkin yksutyäisen pointkn.
Niin eikö tässä ole palaute tms info mennyt dominanttina noin 180 astetta vääräön suuntran, eli siis nuoren lukijan tuttacat olisivat kiinnostuneuta tietämään, mikä olu jonkin tekstin anti, mutta kurjouttaja kyllä tietää sen. Tuon lukijan kösitys tekstistä llisi jäänyt tousten ainiaksi kuvaksi siitä ja ehkä monilke ainiaksi tuedoksi minusta tekstin kurjouttajasta, jolleivät ge itse lue tekstiäni. Mutta minuun ei olisi sitä kuulunut kohdistaa dominabttina,vaikka etenkin alkuun haluan yleendä saada jonki kuvan lukijouden reaktiousta kurjoutuksiini. Mutta myöhemmin cain jos moni eeagoi vahvasti tai jokin luuloni on väärin siinä määrin, että teksti pitäisi oerua vielä jälkikäteen tms jostain isosta syystä, vaikja se yleensä on mahdotonta, sillä jotkut caativat tekstit ehdottlmasti ja liikaa voimaa käyttäen jollain okkultistisella puolella.
Eli yleebsä nuorten palaute vanhousta on että vanhojen työ on arvokasta ja oikeuttaa yhteiskunnan rahallusen tuen elämiseen tavallusta tervehenkustä yleussivistyksen mukaista arkijärkusen yhreiskubtakelpousta aikuisen ihmisen elämää elävilke. Eli ei siis pidä kutistaa vanhan ihmisen tms elämää hänen työhönsä vain caan yhteiskuntakelpoisuus on se olennainen jriteeri.
Jos joku käyttää sinuun pakkoa, että anna se info, niin anna ko info sinukta ko infoa vaativalle, eikä jollekin jokta peräisin olevan infon pieni osa se oletettavasti on.
Vaadi tervettä järkeä, esim kunnollisia lauseita ym ymmärrettävää kieltä eikä jotain pätemisen varjolla toiseen pakolla kohtuuttomasti vaikuttamista.
Yleensä nuoret tai aloittelijat haluavat oppia vanhoikta, ja osaavalta haluaa moni ei-osaavainen oppia, eikä toisin päin.
Siis vanha/osaavainen hitusen jakaa viisaassa yleispätevässä muodossa monelle, eikä nuori/vihollinen saa lyödä tms vanhaa/osaavaista.
Silti vanhalla/osaavaisella saa olla oma yhteiskuntakelpoinen elämänsä, vaikka se olisi jotenkin hienoja vaativia aikaansaannoksia tuottava.
Katso onko kysyntä 180 astetta toisessa suunbassa kuin vanha/osaavainen jolle palautetta pakllla viet, olisiko ko anti siellä kovin toivottu, kovin haluttu, oijeassa paikassa sillä suunnalla eikä vanhan/osaavaisen luona/kohdalla?
tiistai 26. marraskuuta 2024
"Maailman kautta kuljemme laulain"
"Through the world we wander singing"
maanantai 11. marraskuuta 2024
If one woukd need school's benefical effect again, what in it was essential to remember?
" Always wish well for the world, for the living kind, and keep that always as major goal in everything, in doing things, deciding anything and in living your life, including all social contacts, things said, etc. Follow common sense, especially healthy basic common sense. Be fair toward all individuals, groups, ( things, goals, etc. ) (Healthy) wisdom of life. Value good quality.

lauantai 9. marraskuuta 2024
A treasure chest of advices in skills and talents
" My texts are not spiritual or occult or the like. My texts are just my thoughts and some advices in learning skills, talents and wisdom of life. Also mu miracle healing advices are by pieces of ordinary often recommended wisdom of life, without any spiritual, occult or the like insight or support from me, instead I have just tried to use common sense and refer to things I have heard or read or noticed in my life experience, but without any ability to spiritual backup or the like myself. But I have noticed tgat if many like some subject, it kind of helps life if one oneself likes such a hobby too.
Objective thinking is somehow good for the quality of life, for personal happiness and life possibilities. So says my experience of school type of objective thinking or science with common sense, at a time when engineering was emphasized as an important part of objective thinking ability needed in the modern world. On the other hand very vague things like very human orie ted scieces etc were not a part of that view of objective thinking. Simikarly chemustry has seemed somehow unobjective and things like religion and wisdom of life needing to be backed up by one's own wise objective understanding, likewise in the arts, those being as if remarks of someone having claimed something, but one needi g to trust one's own wise understanding and common sense and wisdom of life. Byt anyway, thinking alliws you to make your own observations of your daily life, and so you notice things like this is nice but that not, and that I get this work out this way, etc, building so an objective picture of the world, with good will in the world important.
8th of November 2024 I have no money, things go ashtray because of people attacking, lying as if I or my home or my reputation were a treasure chest. I am not, those are not at all. But my books and blogs are like a treasure chest of thousands of advices in learning much wanted skills and talents in life and in the world!
To get some idea of these texts, start by reading my page and some texts at links from there. Start for example by reading about emperor's power! And of the heroes of the old times...
(Picture ID 322665263 @ Olena Demydenko | )
So I am a writer, and common sense would suggest that you would buy my books or ebooks from , if you are interested in these thousands of treasures! If a writer does not get books sold, the texts also disappear into the mass of books in the world. Of Christmas gnomes there are over 70 million internet pages, so it is unlikely to find the texts later on.
This far my texts have produced only people trying to steal my reputation or maybe eating some Christmas cookies, but no books sold, and I wonder do they even read my texts at all.
Of my books see for example
You might also want to see the page
torstai 3. lokakuuta 2024
"As if of a naturally healthy family"
" This is a much wished for thing to learn from the northern climates, but this attempt that seems successful, is surprisingly different in ways of communicating and values and skills referred to, than what I and I guess many other northerners too, would have expected, see and at a link from there. "
Waking to life
" ...
If one thinks of what those who tend to be ill and mostly just sleep and stay st home, if they needed some advice of how to recover and live comfortably at home. My strong opinion has always been that as healthy and capable I can make much better advices. But now via experience I have noticed that if I would for example make a melody of wakkng up, being revived to life, refreshed, vitalused, it would include some element from active life remembered, so maybe it woukd disturb those ill who seek to be unfairly dominant socially and in the society even if they are foreigners valuing some not do healthy culture, and so maybe such lufe would grt destroyed. Which maybe happened already beforehand. So writing of Christmas gnlme like lufe, I would have guessed that also for those who are so ill that they mostly stay kn bed, it would have been good influence if I had a nice well running way to leisirely make home cjores like feels good and needed and keeps home and lufe nice, full of activities when one feels so and with a good quality rationality. But such too has seemed too much for some who want to compete with snything healthy. So maybe there are reasons for not wanting such either, even though it would be good for life. Maybe somewhst fat elderly nurses feel it uncomfortable to be active with the liveliness typical to young people, so I guess they should fknd in their own ways and amounts the needed natural waking to life and to natural pleasant kind of straightforward action, to which tgere coukd suit the advice about honey like atmosphere at .
Tranquil peace and beauty, serene fracturelessness with healthy wisdom of life
Try to follw these two advices fully:
1. An ok angel
" ( The Finnish word for an angel is "enkeli", in which "en" means "No, I am not...", and "keli" means weather to travel in, and those both have to be taken into account: freedom to folliw one's likibgs in miral ways, and takkng the situations into account, the situations of all, and folliwing civiluced valyes and healthy wisdom of life. )
27th of April 2024 Learned from changing weathers demanding individual judgement to stay alive, like the melting of the ice cover of a lake in the spring time.
16th of April 2024 First, follow civiliced values with good quality. Then have some independency, the right to refuse, so as to have some personal fracturelessness and healthy kibd of wisdom in lufe choices. Pay attention to weather like situatiobs: does the thing seem good, wished for in tge world, and for you right now, and for others, kibd of taking the ibfo of feelibgs into accoubt well, since often drawbacks are difficult to put to words, since those are often in another perspective or side or between perspectives, but kind of felt atmospheric fracturelessness in how one is in a landscape may help one notice such and take them wusely into account. "
My own home as an adult has sometimes had a honey like atmosphere. I value animals and nature, admire bees, and I tend to think that it is good to leave things at home in a way that is good for life, but sincere enough so as to know where one needs to learn better ways of living. I value wisdom of life a lot and consider good ways of doing important. I think strongly that wishing well in the world and being fair in one's life are important values to follow in practice, always in everything.
My books
From my blog
sunnuntai 22. syyskuuta 2024
Higher education for the elderly?
In the lower pile of books in Finnish, the three thick books are 1 450 pages of easy nice miracle healing advices. Mostly all these advices can ve read separately, at least if there is some forum on which to exchange info about the possibly needed background, and links & numbers of where to find each piece of text. Mostly or fully possible in the internet without any fee, if you have a computer with internet. The size of the pile jyst makes me wonder if some woukd like it as a degree, but I do not know who woukd arrange such, woukd it ve a kind of fake like paper made by a family member or what? And generally degrees ought to have many sources, not just one.
maanantai 29. heinäkuuta 2024
Paradise is possible
Build yourself a paradise, a paradise like way of life, paradise theory and wisdom of life, lots of free advices, rewarding books to read, see which ought to lead to
keskiviikko 17. heinäkuuta 2024
torstai 16. toukokuuta 2024
Free ebook: "Magnifient Views : and nice to live in" by Tervola
Free ebook "Magnifient Views: and nice to live in" by Tervola, see
Please keep the internet address, so you can share it with others. The book or ebook is also for sale at the internet bookshops.
perjantai 26. huhtikuuta 2024
Home beneficial for learning miracle healing and solving world's problems
" Some videos : Beetle-home, etc
Beautiful village
Stell balls moving
My own home as an adult has sometimes had a honey like atmosphere. I value animals and nature, admire bees, and I tend to think that it is good to leave things at home in a way that is good for life, but sincere enough so as to know where one needs to learn better ways of living. I value wisdom of life a lot and consider good ways of doing important. I think strongly that wishing well in the world and being fair in one's life are important values to follow in practice, always in everything.
My books
From my blog
maanantai 24. huhtikuuta 2023
Grandparents' home, making indoors nice
Loputtomiin jatkuvasta tonttutaitokirjoituksestani :
" a17. I do not have children, but I guess that grandparents' home is made nice for the elderly couple. They reserve room for hobbies, and arrange home so that it would be good for the work like and needed things done, nice and handy, and offer support for feelings if there is a need to help someone. So things are ok from school like thinking's view and from tge point of view of daily lufe, but rise to the level of arts, wisdom of life and maybe compare to high culture. The skills for this come from experience : I know this well, so I do this in a way that is good quality and good life. So, like a mosaic of different things done in life, the interior finds it's shape as the sum of things done, some visual eye with wisdom of lufe and knowledge of what is generally good for things done and for wisdom of lufe, playing their essential part kn it.
keskiviikko 25. tammikuuta 2023
Tonttuopiston mainos, engl.
Advertisement of Christmas gnome institute
The victory of Christmas gnomes
torstai 24. maaliskuuta 2022
Pitäisikö kaikkien tai monen opetella huojentava parantamisnäkemykseni
Katso uuden hakemiston edipuheen tummennettu tekdti eli .
tiistai 8. maaliskuuta 2022
Postikorttien joulutonttujen taidoista engl 800 ohjetta plus linkit
Ei siis niinkään pehmennetyn vaan postikirttien joulutontun kaltaista elämää: haaveammatti, asuinseutu jonka kanssa on hengenheimolainen, sivistyksen mukaista elämää, luontoa ja liikuntaa, yms
15min koulu E11.
Ydinpommeilta suojautumisesta J37., J38., J39. ja J51.
Rahaa J9.
Säveltämään oppimisen ohje osa 6.
Naisvallasta C69. ja C71., mutta myös C70., tuossa komannessa osassa naiset ja työelämä, jossakkn oli asemasta ja ekassa osassa on valistuneista itsevaltiaista, pikemminkin siis yksittäisistä naisjohtajista
Liikunnasta mukavampaa, ekassa osassa recover
11. elokuuta 2022 Engl. tonttutaitokurjoituksessani on nyt 15 osaa ja lähes 1100 kohtaa plus tekstit linkeillä. Pari viimeistä kohtaa ovat olleet aiheista, jotka ovat kenties monelle koko tekstin motivaatio. Niinpä luulisin, että teksti saattaa olla jo valmis. Se siis opettaa taitoja ja näyttää suojaavan lukijaansa noiden taitojen myötä.
lauantai 29. tammikuuta 2022
Ydinsodista, huojennusta niihin
Engl tonttutaitokurjoitukseni 10. osassa
kohdat J37., J38., J39. ja J51.
lauantai 22. tammikuuta 2022
Writer's life after the writing work
" When a writer has written one's text, the reader gets the full message by reading. But if they want some mental connection with the writer via some spiritual ways it often does not work out, since they were lazy at reading and now they want the author to read his/her own text but the author is bored and so reading one's own text produces just some vague impression that yes there was that text but what about it. If someone wants to exchange young readers' views to author's view, that happens by reading. If one tries it via spiritual ways, it is better with person who has not written anything of the subject, or if one wants the view of ghe author, it is just a vague impression that there was some text on the page but for me there was nothing new in it. And if the author has forgotten what he/she onesrlf wrote, it still is too elementary and when compared to lne's own thoughts, gives rise to nothing new, unlike the texts of others. "
sunnuntai 2. tammikuuta 2022
Vanhojen piirteet aiheutettuja
" Vanhojen piirteet aiheitettuja
Iän myötä kokemusta kertyy ja taidot harjaantuvat. Samalla sekä tyytyväisyys että laiminlyönnit lisääntyvät, mihin isona syynä on ympäristön paineen muuttuminen löhöävämpään suuntaan, poispäin huolellisuudesta. Huolellisuuden painottamisen väheneminen tuo perustasoon laiminlyöntejä, mikä tekee vaikeammaksi tarttus hetkeen kiinni ja saada hsrjaannusta perustason tehtävissä, mikä olisi hyvän laadun edellytys. Vanhemmiten on asemaa enemmän ja niin ryhtyy varomaan, mihin tallaa, kun vahingossa tallaa liikaa, kun taas ennen ei mitään, ja kun on löntystelevän tallaavainen asioiden ja toisten ylu, niin huomiokyky kärsii siitä kovin, mikä tuo isoja virheitä ja huonoa laatua. Toisaalta tallaavaisuus tuo tilaa omalle näkemykselle myös siltä osin kuin se on hyvä. Yritys saada laatua takaisin laittaa varaamaan aikaa tekemisten hyvähenkisyydelle, minkä ympäristö sitten romuttaa pelkäksi odottamiseksi, jolloin elämä kuluu hukkaan ja vuodet vierivät kuin päivät ennen. Elämänkokemuksen tuoma taide ja kirjoittsminen jättävät jälkeensä latistuneen tunnelman kuin koko elämä olisi ulkoa luettua vailla henkeä, jolloin on vaikeampi tehdä käytännön juttuja ja harrastaa liikuntaa ja niin kunto rapistuu, terveys menee ja ihminen kuolee. "
6.1.2022 Huolellisuuden tulisi olla aistit auki elämisen ja hhvään laatuun pyrkimusen huolellisuutta eikä tarkkuutta ohjeiden noudattamisessa, sillä ohjeet eivät ole aina niin viisaita tai niitä ei sovelleta oikein, kyllin viisaasti elämän kannalta.
Jumiutuminen voi liittyä muiden rytmeihin, esim koteloituneen hyönteisen talvehtimiseen, tms. Usein myös taitavampina esiintyvät määräileväiset laiminlyövät asioita kuin aivan vieraasta kulttuurista tullut tai vääryydellä asemansa ylläpitävä.
perjantai 29. lokakuuta 2021
Nuokkuva vanhus osaavainen?
Itse kun olen viime aikoina joskus nuokkunut ja ollut täällä Espoossa asuessani unelias, mitkä kai ovat vanhuksilta tuttuja piirteiltä, niin nuokkuminen ainakun liittyy siihen, kun olen jo suurin piirtein kaikki kuulemani tavalliset ongelmat ratkaissut, esim lähemmäs tuhat tautien ja vaivojen parantamisen ohjetta ja mineen muuhun ongelmaan myös jotain llennaista apua, ja niin vain venttaan, että oliko vielä jotain, mitä piti huolehtia, vai pääsenkö jo ulos kävelylle ym reippaaseen omaan elämään. Eli voiko olla, että osa moisista ihmisten vuosien varrella tekemustä työpanoksista menee hukkaan, katoaa, jollei sitten internetin avulla löytyisi nuoremmillekin avuksi.
lauantai 23. lokakuuta 2021
Kirjojani myynnissä
Kaisa Hannele Tervola's books at
Coming soon : Skills Of Christmas Gnomes : Christmas gnome like life in the modern world, 498 pages, very large book, 23,50 usd +postage from usa ( 24.10.2021 you can find it in by the search "christmas gnome like life" )
Already available:
Living with the four seasons, 19usd + post
Parantaminen terveisiin elämäntapoihin vertaamalla, 822 isoa sivua, 28,50usd +posti
Opi kutomaan paremmin : Helppo ja hyvä villasukan kantapää, 130 sivua, värikuvin, 28.50usd +posti , ekirjana noin 1 euron hintaan, instant download, see
Alanvaihto Haaveammattiin, 15,90usd +posti
In addition my older books (paradise theory and it's parts) and booklets (future computers, robot stories, curing modern horror scenarios, thinking course) but those are sale for their printing costs only or then as some kind of e-books.
24th of Octuber 2021 I just ordered the book Skills Of Christmas Gnomes, and with the slower posts it was 43 euros. But it takes about a month to arrive, so for Christmas shopping one needs to be quick!
Tuon engl. tonttutaitokirjan Skills Of Christmas Gnomes ISBN: 9798752282539
I bought also the other three books except the one about healing, and there seemed to be no problem in that.
25th of October 2021 Amazon has another English book shop in Britain and quite many around the world but in different languages.
31th of October 2021 I noticed that now the fastest deluvery is latest 25th of November. So for the book to arrive for Christmas you ought to order it in November.
There was now a Look inside option in the book's page, but that showed colour pictures even though the paper is for black and white printing, so either the pictures are blurred colour pictures whivh would be quite nice, or then black and white printing like the price reflects.
7th of November 2021 Books ordered today are promised to arrive between 3rd and 10th of December, so soon one needs to be quick if one is buying for Christmas. might have quicker post.
These are as far as i understood print-on-demand books, so the delivery times ought to apply even if there isn't any books in stock.
9th of November 2021 There are Amazon internet bookshops in many countries, also in Europe, but to buy from them one needs to understand tge language of that country. But anyway it ought to offer a quicker and cheaper shipping.
12th of November 2021 I got my book Skills Of Christmas Gnomes yesterday. The slowest post took a little bit under three weeks.
18th of November 2021 I got in post my English book about the four seasons.
My Finnish book about knitting arrived too and has a very similar cover.
20th of November 2021 I gave my copy of three books to the Esooo town library in Sello. Those were the hardcover books, i.e. Skills of Christmas gnomes, Living with the four seasons and Opi kutomaan paremmin : Helppo ja hyvä villasukan kantapää ym. I got the impression that they maybe keep them in the Sello librsry, but it is also possible that some other library wants them, or that my gnome text does not fit library use. I had to order new copies for myself, even though it costed a lot, since I feel that it is somehow better for the world and for myself if I have my own books, except the one about healing since it would be too dominant upon my life. I have an impression that some handicapped neighbour bought the book and got cured and cured ordinary illnesses from his aquiantages effortlessly so that they were as if drunk since the burden of illnesses was so much lighter and it seemed thst people in the neighbourhood felt unudually full like maybe often happens near miracle cures that one did not expect possible like growing a well functioning new limb instead of just rising to walk again.
6. joulukuuta 2021 Tiedä noista sitten, ei niitä ainakaan muutama päivä sitten oltu myyty ja postitettu yhtään, paitsi itse ostamani. Kai olen lähinnä bliggaaja siis. Mutta äsken, kun etsin pitkään silmälasejani mutten löytänyt, niin kun sitten hain kirjahyllystäni kirjani Skills of Christmas gnomes, niin heti löysin silmälasini.
15. joulukuuta 2021 Sain kirjani takaisin kirjastosta, siis ne, jotka olin lahjoittanut, eli ei parantamisaiheista mutta muut. Kirjan joulutonttujen taidoista sain aiemmin likaantuneena takaisin, mutta muut tänään saamani olivat ihan ok puhtaita. Eli jos joku muu kirjasto haluaa niistä jonkin tai kaikkikin, niin voin lahjoittaa ne.
23. heinäkuuta 2022
Alensin kirjojeni hintoja ja huomasin, että Saksan palvelee myös englanniksi ja ainakin nyt tarjosi ilmaisen kuljetuksen Suomeen, jos ostaa 39 eurolla stä.
Sain vihdoin postissa usasta tilaamani tonttutaitokurjani kakkososan, joka oli ihan kivan oloinen, kenties joululahjamainen tonttupäiväkirja, mutta se kaipaa tuekseen blogin taibykkösosan ja on vain satasivuinen psperback.
2nd of November 2022 I edited the English translations of my knitting tips to a new book "Knitting Tips : Nice knitting", 10£+ post,
6th of November 2022 "Skills Of Christmas Gnomes, Book 3. : Teaching material on Christmas gnome like life in the modern world" by Kaisa Hannele Tervola, 7.50usd + post,
17th of November 2022 in Espoo, Finland
I have now an author page but it aren't fully ready yet.
18.11.2022 Blog print like thin 118 pages, large paperback book "Healing", 5,50usd + post , there is a Look inside feature in the comouter view of the page
5.3.2023 Most of my books you can find for example at search "tervola". There the postage to Europe is much cheaper than from usa.
5.5.2023 "Healing, Part 2." or search "tervola", 5,80usd + post
11. heinäkuuta 2023 "Ihmeparannusohjeita : Ihmeparannusohjekokoelma blogista ", 10usd + posti, kirja löytyh varmaankin myös muista Amazon-kurjakaupoista
24.7.2023 "Singing experience of life and Healthy natural ages old ways of living", 15usd +post, soon available at or at other Amazon internet bookshops, search "tervola",
3.8.2023 "Waking from death, advices, just an attempt : live in a more alive way and make life's burdens lighter to bear",
5.8.2023 Ekirja "Luku- ja kirjoitustaitoiset sirkuskoirat" 8usd
7th of August 2023 "The best fact language is like music", 10usd +post,
11th of Aucust 2023 "Healthily moral" as an ebook 5usd (no postage, ebook), soon also as a paperback 7,50usd + post
"Feelings, Rationality and Moral for Computers" by Kaisa Hannele Tervola, soon as an ebook 5usd, no postage, and as a paperback book 10usd +post, at
"Points to Take into account in Discussions Leading" ebook, ought to be soon available
12th of August 2023 "A few famous poems by Eino Leino", translated by me & comments by me, 10usd +post, if it is ok to publish such this way, ought to be available in a few days, I do not know where, but it has a nice cover.
7. marraskuuta 2023 "Synnytys, äiti ja vauva terveet ja onnelliset"
17th of January 2024 A new book "Wonderful, Miracle like Beings" by Kaisa Hannele Tervola, Finland, northern European Union, hardcover, 15usd +post, soon available at
15.3.2024 Suomenkielinen vuodenaikakirjoitukseni kirjana, ks.