Kaisa Hannele Tervola's books at www.amazon.com
Coming soon : Skills Of Christmas Gnomes : Christmas gnome like life in the modern world, 498 pages, very large book, 23,50 usd +postage from usa ( 24.10.2021 you can find it in www.amazon.com by the search "christmas gnome like life" )
Already available:
Living with the four seasons, 19usd + post
Parantaminen terveisiin elämäntapoihin vertaamalla, 822 isoa sivua, 28,50usd +posti
Opi kutomaan paremmin : Helppo ja hyvä villasukan kantapää, 130 sivua, värikuvin, 28.50usd +posti , ekirjana noin 1 euron hintaan, instant download, see https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0D75SY9L3
Alanvaihto Haaveammattiin, 15,90usd +posti
In addition my older books (paradise theory and it's parts) and booklets (future computers, robot stories, curing modern horror scenarios, thinking course) but those are sale for their printing costs only or then as some kind of e-books.
24th of Octuber 2021 I just ordered the book Skills Of Christmas Gnomes, and with the slower posts it was 43 euros. But it takes about a month to arrive, so for Christmas shopping one needs to be quick!
Tuon engl. tonttutaitokirjan Skills Of Christmas Gnomes ISBN: 9798752282539
I bought also the other three books except the one about healing, and there seemed to be no problem in that.
25th of October 2021 Amazon has another English book shop in Britain www.amazon.co.uk and quite many around the world but in different languages.
31th of October 2021 I noticed that now the fastest deluvery is latest 25th of November. So for the book to arrive for Christmas you ought to order it in November.
There was now a Look inside option in the book's page, but that showed colour pictures even though the paper is for black and white printing, so either the pictures are blurred colour pictures whivh would be quite nice, or then black and white printing like the price reflects.
7th of November 2021 Books ordered today are promised to arrive between 3rd and 10th of December, so soon one needs to be quick if one is buying for Christmas. Www.amazon.co.uk might have quicker post.
These are as far as i understood print-on-demand books, so the delivery times ought to apply even if there isn't any books in stock.
9th of November 2021 There are Amazon internet bookshops in many countries, also in Europe, but to buy from them one needs to understand tge language of that country. But anyway it ought to offer a quicker and cheaper shipping.
12th of November 2021 I got my book Skills Of Christmas Gnomes yesterday. The slowest post took a little bit under three weeks.
18th of November 2021 I got in post my English book about the four seasons.
My Finnish book about knitting arrived too and has a very similar cover.
20th of November 2021 I gave my copy of three books to the Esooo town library in Sello. Those were the hardcover books, i.e. Skills of Christmas gnomes, Living with the four seasons and Opi kutomaan paremmin : Helppo ja hyvä villasukan kantapää ym. I got the impression that they maybe keep them in the Sello librsry, but it is also possible that some other library wants them, or that my gnome text does not fit library use. I had to order new copies for myself, even though it costed a lot, since I feel that it is somehow better for the world and for myself if I have my own books, except the one about healing since it would be too dominant upon my life. I have an impression that some handicapped neighbour bought the book and got cured and cured ordinary illnesses from his aquiantages effortlessly so that they were as if drunk since the burden of illnesses was so much lighter and it seemed thst people in the neighbourhood felt unudually full like maybe often happens near miracle cures that one did not expect possible like growing a well functioning new limb instead of just rising to walk again.
6. joulukuuta 2021 Tiedä noista sitten, ei niitä ainakaan muutama päivä sitten oltu myyty ja postitettu yhtään, paitsi itse ostamani. Kai olen lähinnä bliggaaja siis. Mutta äsken, kun etsin pitkään silmälasejani mutten löytänyt, niin kun sitten hain kirjahyllystäni kirjani Skills of Christmas gnomes, niin heti löysin silmälasini.
15. joulukuuta 2021 Sain kirjani takaisin kirjastosta, siis ne, jotka olin lahjoittanut, eli ei parantamisaiheista mutta muut. Kirjan joulutonttujen taidoista sain aiemmin likaantuneena takaisin, mutta muut tänään saamani olivat ihan ok puhtaita. Eli jos joku muu kirjasto haluaa niistä jonkin tai kaikkikin, niin voin lahjoittaa ne.
23. heinäkuuta 2022
Alensin kirjojeni hintoja ja huomasin, että Saksan amazon.de palvelee myös englanniksi ja ainakin nyt tarjosi ilmaisen kuljetuksen Suomeen, jos ostaa 39 eurolla amazon.de stä.
Sain vihdoin postissa usasta tilaamani tonttutaitokurjani kakkososan, joka oli ihan kivan oloinen, kenties joululahjamainen tonttupäiväkirja, mutta se kaipaa tuekseen blogin learntalents.blogspot.com taibykkösosan ja on vain satasivuinen psperback.
2nd of November 2022 I edited the English translations of my knitting tips learntalents.blogspot.com to a new book "Knitting Tips : Nice knitting", 10£+ post, https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B0BL4ZM47H
6th of November 2022 "Skills Of Christmas Gnomes, Book 3. : Teaching material on Christmas gnome like life in the modern world" by Kaisa Hannele Tervola, 7.50usd + post, https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0BLG2PRD8
17th of November 2022 in Espoo, Finland
I have now an author page www.amazon.com/author/khtervola but it aren't fully ready yet.
18.11.2022 Blog print like thin 118 pages, large paperback book "Healing", 5,50usd + post https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0BMWL37ZP , there is a Look inside feature in the comouter view of the page
5.3.2023 Most of my books you can find for example at www.amazon.fr search "tervola". There the postage to Europe is much cheaper than from usa.
10.3.2023 "Skills Of Christmas Gnomes 4. Short index"
"Skills Of Christmas Gnomes, Book 5. Women's position and other texts"
5.5.2023 "Healing, Part 2." https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0C47R2KW3?ref_=pe_3052080_397514860 or www.amazon.fr search "tervola", 5,80usd + post
11. heinäkuuta 2023 "Ihmeparannusohjeita : Ihmeparannusohjekokoelma blogista parantamisesta.blogspot.com ", 10usd + posti, kirja löytyh varmaankin myös muista Amazon-kurjakaupoista https://www.amazon.fr/dp/B0C9SDHKS8/ref=mp_s_a_1_12?crid=IEO9YZBXISIY&keywords=tervola&qid=1689095752&sprefix=tervola%2Caps%2C300&sr=8-12
15.7.2023 "Skills Of Christmas Gnomes 7. : Miracle healing advices and some other texts", 10usd +post
24.7.2023 "Singing experience of life and Healthy natural ages old ways of living", 15usd +post, soon available at www.amazon.com/author/khtervola or at other Amazon internet bookshops, search "tervola", https://www.amazon.fr/dp/B0CCCNDQT9/ref=mp_s_a_1_11?crid=1XR9P2IVVHQ1H&keywords=tervola&qid=1690215336&sprefix=tervola%2Caps%2C212&sr=8-11
3.8.2023 "Waking from death, advices, just an attempt : live in a more alive way and make life's burdens lighter to bear", https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0CDK5MJBF?ref_=pe_3052080_397514860
5.8.2023 Ekirja "Luku- ja kirjoitustaitoiset sirkuskoirat" 8usd
7th of August 2023 "The best fact language is like music", 10usd +post, https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0CDNKX2S4?ref_=pe_3052080_397514860
11th of Aucust 2023 "Healthily moral" as an ebook 5usd (no postage, ebook), soon also as a paperback 7,50usd + post
"Feelings, Rationality and Moral for Computers" by Kaisa Hannele Tervola, soon as an ebook 5usd, no postage, and as a paperback book 10usd +post, at www.amazon.com/author/khtervola
"Points to Take into account in Discussions Leading" ebook, ought to be soon available
12th of August 2023 "A few famous poems by Eino Leino", translated by me & comments by me, 10usd +post, if it is ok to publish such this way, ought to be available in a few days, I do not know where, but it has a nice cover. https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0CFCX6W85?ref_=pe_3052080_397514860
7. marraskuuta 2023 "Synnytys, äiti ja vauva terveet ja onnelliset" https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0CLL26CN9?ref_=ast_author_dp
17th of January 2024 A new book "Wonderful, Miracle like Beings" by Kaisa Hannele Tervola, Finland, northern European Union, hardcover, 15usd +post, soon available at www.amazon.com/author/khtervola
See https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0CSKLD3HC
15.3.2024 Suomenkielinen vuodenaikakirjoitukseni kirjana, ks. Www.amazon.com/author/khtervola